Not Wearing Underwear: Benefits and Side Effects

Serious question: why do you wear underwear?
Chances are, you don’t even know what to answer. And that’s because there’s no explanation as to why we wear underwear. It’s mostly a societal norm that’s been passed down through generations and that we’ve accepted without questioning. So why not as well go commando?
If we’re wearing underwear because that’s what we’ve been conditioned to do, it means that it’s not really necessary. In fact, ditching your panties has some proven benefits. Medically speaking, one of the effects of not wearing underwear is a happier and healthier vagina that gets a chance to breathe. So is not wearing underwear healthy? Yes, yes it is.
A pleasant middle ground between donning uncomfortable synthetic underwear and being completely bare may also be viable. You can cover your skin, keep a pad or panty liner in place, and enable the vaginal area to "breathe" if you wear a comfortable pair of cotton underwear.
Ultimately, the decision of wearing or not wearing underwear, comes down to one’s personal preference. But in case you decide to go commando, you might be interested in knowing the benefits of not wearing underwear and what happens to your body when you stop using it.
You will feel more comfortable
You’re probably so used to your panties’ seams, that you don’t feel them pressing on you anymore (but your body does). However, the moment you ditch your underwear, you will give your body a break and you will eventually feel more comfortable and relaxed. Especially if you’re a person who’s sensitive to undies that bunch up, twist, or itch along the seems, ditching your panties will be a life changer.
If you’re still feeling conscious about going full commando, you can start by tossing your undies aside just for bed time. See how it feels, and then you can decide whether or not you want to also skip underwear completely on the street as well.
Your circulation may improve
Going commando not only promotes comfort, but following that point, it also helps improve your blood circulation. Wearing tight underwear can cause poor circulation and nerve impingement, so freeing your body of that will help your blood flow immensely – as long as you don’t wear pants that could also cut it off.

It reduces the risk of yeast infections
One of the benefits of going commando is the prevention of yeast infections.
We can all agree that getting an infection down there is a big bummer. Turns out, that wearing undies could be a contributor to developing one of those annoying urinary tract or yeast infections. Why? According to Dr. Nini Mai, panties prevent the air from flowing in, thus trapping excess moisture and microbes, which make for the perfect breeding ground for infections.
It plays a role in preventing bacterial vaginosis
If you wear breathable underwear and/or allow the vaginal area a chance to air out, bacterial vaginosis, or BV, may be a little less likely to develop as a third type of vaginitis.
BV is a vaginal infection that produces irritation, burning when you urinate, and a grayish-white discharge that frequently has a "fishy" odor. If the usual balance of vaginal bacteria changes, it might happen.
Some lifestyle changes, like for example giving up tight underwear and sleeping commando, may aid preventing the development of these diseases. Inform your doctor right away if you notice any of the aforementioned symptoms.
There’s lesser bacteria migration
Depending on your undies style and fabric, bacteria can migrate from your anus to your vaginal area and therefore cause the dreaded ureter infection. By ditching your panties, you reduce the probability of that happening.
It relieves dampness
Felice Gersh, founder of the Integrative Medical Group of Irvine, argues that by giving the vaginal area time to expel extra heat and moisture, wearing no underwear is a novel technique to reduce dampness. This can be a blessing if you frequently sweat and discharge.
Finding the ideal outfit combination for your needs while taking into account where you're going and what you'll be doing during the day is the key. According to Gersh, "not wearing underwear and wearing a loose, long dress may assist [keep you dry]". It would be useless to simply wear fitting pants and not wear undergarments.
It lowers your risk of fungal infections
Another negative impact of too much heat and moisture? Infections caused by fungi, mainly tinea cruris. Popularly referred to as "jock itch," tinea cruris commonly manifests in the inner thighs or groin and can take the form of a ring.
The illness can be quite irritating, just like a vaginal yeast infection would be. Cleaning, drying, and administering an anti-fungal ointment to the affected region are typical treatment steps.
It may reduce chafing
You can only image how irritating things will be when you're working out if underwear collects perspiration and dampness throughout the day. If you chafe easily, try working out without your underwear to see if it makes a difference.
If you wear looser shorts or sweatpants so the air can flow, you may notice that it lessens chafing because there is less contact between skin and fabric. But it's obviously a matter of personal preference, and it won't work for everyone.
You might discover that wearing underwear really keeps you more comfortable by absorbing or wicking away sweat. Whatever you're wearing, it’s a good idea to take it off right away after working out, because continuing to wear sweaty, damp clothing might raise your chance of developing vaginal infections.
You may experience a strong smell down there during workouts
Not everything’s good about exercising with no panties. You may reduce chafing, but on the flip side would be experiencing a stronger door down there.
Sweat allows skin bacteria in hair-bearing areas such as the genitalia, to produce body odor. So if you’re sweating during your workout and don’t have panties working as a barrier between you and your pants, you might experience a strong smell down under. This is because instead of the sweat hitting your undies, it goes directly to your pants.
You may increase your chances of micro-cuts during workouts
A woman not wearing underwear while exercising is more prone to experience micro-cuts. Also known as vaginal fissures, micro-cuts are more likely to occur if you stop wearing underwear every day while you exercise. Yes, they are as painful as they sound. These fissures develop if you perform repetitive workouts in inappropriate gear without underwear, which frequently result in the stretching or irritation of the skin. Therefore, it's crucial to wear soft, breathable pants while exercising, just like you would in your daily attire.
The vaginal region can be compared to a knee. A good fall can scratch, dent, gash, and bruise your vagina sufficiently to throw you out of the training game for a few days (or weeks) while you heal. Actually, working out without underwear is safer than doing so while wearing a thong. The material causes more friction and irritation, and any friction or irritation can make little cuts or microabrasions in your skin, and those wounds can lead to bacterial infections, which can create discomfort, itching, redness, and agony.
It reduces rashes
One of the benefits of no underwear is the reduction of rashes. Putting all that warmth and moisture against your skin could lead to an overgrowth of microorganisms, and both heat rash and irritation may arise from that.
A heat rash develops when your skin's closed pores trap sweat, which causes a red lump or superficial blister as well as an itchy or prickly sensation. Heat rashes disappear on their own, but you can avoid them by keeping your skin cold and dry.
You may see less discharge
Vaginal discharge is essentially a combination of vaginal skin cells, bacteria, and fluid from the cervix and vagina. Wearing panties prevents proper ventilation in your down parts, which leads to more discharge.
You may reduce the risk of allergic reactions
Allergic reaction threats are everywhere in underwear: fabrics, artificial dyes, chemicals, preservatives, and even the laundry detergent you use. All of that can cause an allergic reaction when it comes in contact with your skin, especially with the sensitive tissues of your lady parts. Wearing hypoallergenic latex-free underwear and even better, skipping it altogether, is the best way to avoid those issues.
You may avoid digestive issues
Is going commando healthy? According to the Daily Mail, yes. If you have historically worn tight undies and experience stomach problems like acid reflux, going commando may be helpful, according to the Daily Mail. Tight clothing may put pressure on the stomach, pushing acid into the esophagus and resulting in the digestive disorder. Jonathan Wilson, a general surgeon at The London Clinic, stated that wearing tight clothing could cause reflux if you don't currently have the condition but are predisposed to it.
According to the Los Angeles Times, wearing tight panties can make your irritable bowel syndrome symptoms worse. According to gastroenterologist Jay Kuemmerle, who spoke to the Los Angeles Times, this is not to say that underwear isn't for you or that making the decision to use no underwear every day is necessary. But Kuemmerle noted that leading a healthy lifestyle could make it unnecessary to feel as though you must wear these items.
The takeaway
So to the question “is it bad to not wear underwear?” the answer is no. Not wearing underwear is healthy and totally ok, it even has some benefits to it. However, the ultimate decision of wearing no underwear is totally up to you.
Keep in mind though, that if you completely stop wearing underwear, you may want to consider what you’re wearing.
As we’ve already seen, going panty-free can help reduce chafing and irritation in the lower abdomen, but it also depends on the type of pants you're wearing. OB-GYN Christine Greves of Florida told Refinery29 that if you're wearing loose-fitting pijamas or other comfy clothing, going without underwear should be fine and allow your private bits to air. According to Self, however, wearing tight pants like jeans without underwear may put your lady bits at greater risk of irritation since the hard fabric can press against and irritate your vulva, especially if you don't have an additional barrier like underwear to protect you.
Redness and itching that mirror the signs of vaginal infections but are actually signs of irritation can occur. If you stop wearing underwear every day and wax or shave downstairs, you might wish to choose a skirt, dress, or loose pants. According to OB-GYN Dr. Maria Sophocles, "The desire to shave, wax, or laser pubic hair, which is a natural protective barrier, has made the sensitive skin of the vulva even more vulnerable to irritation from tight clothes.”
So just be aware of the pros and cons of going commando, consider what to wear in case you decide to embrace the commando benefits, and be yourself!
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