What is sleep sex or sexsomnia?

You’ve heard of sleep talkers and sleepwalkers, but how about people who have sex in their sleep? Yes, that can actually happen – even though it’s extremely rare – and it mainly affects those who suffer from another sleep disorder such as sleepwalking.
So what is sexsomnia exactly?
Sleep sex or sexsomnia is a type of parasomnia that happens when the brain is caught up between sleep stages. As a result, the person suffering from this condition might act like they’re awake when they’re actually still asleep during that in-between phase. What sets sexsomnia apart from other similar parasomnias like sleepwalking, is that the person with sexsomnia displays sleep-related sexual behaviour, which can range from masturbation, fondling or pelvic thrusting to full-on sexual intercourse.
The individual experiencing sex sleep may have their eyes open and appear awake to others, however, they’re in the midst of an amnesic episode and won’t remember a thing. In fact, the only way they may find out they have the disorder is through a roommate, partner or family member that might witness the unusual behaviour. In these cases, it’s recommended that the person witnessing the event writes down what they observe. Although it can be quite embarrassing, their observations can be of great help for the doctor when it comes to diagnosing and treating the condition.
What causes sexsomnia?
The causes of sexsomnia are not clear yet, but doctors do agree on several factors that can contribute to it.
- Sleep deprivation
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Certain medications
- Drinking alcohol
- Irregular sleep patterns
- Using recreational drugs
There are certain underlying medical conditions (that often interfere with sleep) that might also trigger sexsomnia like migraines, head injuries, restless leg syndrome, sleep-related epilepsy or other simultaneous sleep disorders.

It’s possible to treat the disorder by addressing the possible underlying conditions we previously mentioned that might be disrupting sleep. In general, the key is to make sure you maintain healthy sleep hygiene habits and get enough sleep.
Upon doctor’s assessment, the patient might have to undergo other treatments that may include medications.
Tips to manage sexsomnia
Even though it can be hard to do, best thing is to talk with your partner and family. It will help them understand the situation and feel safe. Moreover, other actions that can be taken are sleeping in separate bedrooms and even putting a lock in the door, or setting up alarms that can alert people whenever the person suffering from sexsomnia is moving around.
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